Blog Articles

Spay & Neuter! Your Dog's Health Depends On It

Unless you plan on breeding your pets responsibly, consider having them spayed or neutered.Are you prepared to add to the ever growing problem already in existence? Do you really want to bring more animals into a world that can’t even come close to caring for the ones that are here now? Are you Absolutely Positive you can find responsible homes if your dog does have puppies?

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Nashville Gets It's First Certified Dog Walker with New Local Business Pawsitive Dog Walking & Pet Sitting

Starting June 1, Nashville's first dog*tec Certified Dog Walker (CDW) Tasha Erickson will start walking Nashville pooches, filling a much needed void for professional, competent and trained dog walkers in the Nashville area. Tasha is the owner of Pawsitive Dog Walking & Pet Sitting, which she started in 2014 in Fresno, California. “We moved to Nashville because we wanted a change,” says Tasha. “Nashville hit all our priorities on paper, but when my husband visited to check it out in person, that's when he knew for sure we would be happy here.”

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Why do dogs sniff?

Dogs ‘see’ the world through their nose much like we humans ‘see’ the world through our eyes. No, not literally, but think of it this way- blindness (minus the danger roads present) wouldn’t present much of a handicap at all to today’s domesticated dog; they could continue to live out their lives in the perfect happiness they always have! Take away a dog’s sense of smell, however, and you’ve crippled him far worse than blindness would cripple a person.

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Canine Dominance ‘Alpha’ Theory Debunked

Nearly every dog owner has heard of the ‘Alpha dog’ theory, the idea of a hierarchical ‘pack’ system, and even worse- trainers, such as the infamous Cesar Milan, promoting their ‘dominance theory’ ideas for millions of home viewers to try out (to his minor credit, programs always advised viewers ‘not to attempt this at home’- we know how well that went).

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